Rosario is very proud of our status as an integral part of the community in our wonderful South Belfast home. Our Community Outreach and Well-Being Committee was formed to provide extra support and engagement within our area. These projects go beyond our footballing activities and create a seamless link between club and community.
We are proud to list below some examples of our recent projects. This is not by any means a definitive list, but it will serve to give a flavour of a club that is committed to our local domain.
To ensure that our coaches and volunteers have access to the correct resources, should one of our members need extra support, Rosario works in partnership with TAMHI. TAMHI is a local mental health charity that works with schools and sports clubs to raise awareness of mental health and resilience. Their approach is focused on raising the capacity of grassroots groups to have the confidence to connect with their members in relation to mental health. They do this through workshops, talks, training, and unique activities/games. These activities will be rolled out as part of our Well-Being programme on an ongoing basis.
The Ethnic Minorities Sports Organisation Northern Ireland (EMSONI) Confederation Cup has made its home in Ulidia for several years now. Our summer Sundays are busy with play-off matches culminating in the NICC Final in August each year. This is consistently one of the best community days on the Ormeau Road. The music, games, entertainment, food, and, of course, football, run from early morning to late evening. And all of it is free. EMSONI is committed to celebrating our multicultural diversity while working towards inter-community inclusion through sport. Rosario YFC is proud to be part of this fantastic initiative.
We were privileged in 2023 to be asked to host the annual Belfast City of Sanctuary Great Refugee Week Picnic at Ulidia Playing Fields. Over 1,000 people came to celebrate their diversity and community with food, music, and entertainment. “One of the most joyous parts of the afternoon was the communal folk dancing, impromptu and lively. This drew in people from a number of cultures, including native ‘Belfasters’. We felt that we were one people for those moments, symbolic of what we wanted to achieve.”
Twenty of our young members participated in a cross-community project with Albert Foundry Football Club, working on an art and design project sponsored by Belfast City Council in collaboration with Peace IV. The project was led by locally renowned artist Davy Holden and entailed 5 workshops over a 3-month period. The stunning result is now in pride of place at the entrance to our playing fields.
In times of crisis, organisations can be measured by the way they step up. When the Covid 19 pandemic impacted our local community, Rosario, together with our friends at Bredagh and the Ormeau Boxing Club, established a foodbank at the Good Shepherd Church hall to distribute boxes of food and domestic supplies to households in need. We mobilised quickly and decisively. Over the period of the first lockdown, the foodbank delivered food parcels regularly to over 130 families and distributed in the region of £70,000 worth of goods. The tireless efforts of this group were acknowledged with an Aisling Award for its work supporting the community during lockdown.